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Maureen Forys and her team blend well-honed creative and technical skills to help us make beautiful books in print and EPUB format. And they work with remarkable grace and patience under very tight deadlines.

When we were looking to publish our first-book, I scoured libraries and book stores looking for book designs that would fit our vision of a line of books for education professionals.  I settled on a title with cover and interior design by Happenstance. It took just one cold-call to Maureen and a rich conversation about publishing and education to know that Happenstance would never be a mere vendor: Maureen and her team would be our partners.

We have benefited from Happenstance’s deep bench of experienced professionals. We rely on the team for cover design, interior layout, project management, copyediting, proofreading, and indexing. Happenstance has also been invaluable in liaising with our printing vendors and distribution house, going so far as to help us make paper choices and improve our metadata. 

Happenstance team members are mentors to us as well as partners.  We know they are committed to us, and that they care about our work. We are so glad to have Happenstance Type-O-Rama on our side as a reliable and inspiring partner.
David Gordon
Editor & Publisher, CAST Professional Publishing